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  1.-Why is there a small hole beside the door, Jack?

  -It is for my cat. She can get in or out______it.

  A.across B. over C. past D. through

  2.-May I speak to Jim?


  A. Who are you? B. This is Jim. C. Yes, you can speak. D. No, you can't.

  3. What the man said just now sounds____.

  A. Happily B. greatly C. well D. friendly

  4.-How old is Amy?

  -____. We had a special party for her______birthday yesterday.

  A. Nine; ninth B. Nine; nine C.Ninth; nine D. Ninth; ninth

  5. My brother_______me the answer as soon as he works out the difficult math problem.

  A. Tells B. told C. has told D. will tell

  6. The traveler with a lot of______in writing really enjoys himself writing about his traveling

  __in different parts of the world.

  A. experience; experiences B. experience; experience

  C. experiences; experiences D. experiences; experience

  7. He always took time to explain the thing clearly_____I couldn't understand anything.

  A. Whatever B. however C. whenever D. wherever

  8.________important city in the history of China Yan'an was!

  A. What B. What an C.How D. How an

  9. Allen called his son to give him____hand in the garden.

  A. a B.an C.the D./

  10. I have___finished my work. Have you finished yours_______?

  A. yet; yet B. already; already C. yet; already D. already; yet

  11. I know the name of the pretty girl, but I am not sure____.

  A. how old is she B. where does she come from

  C. where she lives D. how tall is she

  12. I'm really sorry to hear that your life is so burdensome(繁重的). I only wish I could help_____.

  A. by the way B. in the way C. on the way D. in some ways

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上一篇:2024年天津春季高考英语模拟题 下一篇:天津春季高考英语阅读(每日一练)


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